
Queer salons

Polari, Palare, Palari - different terms that refer to a code language spoken by queer people, sex workers, street performers, carny folk and criminals. An anti-language that allowed people on the margins of society to speak freely. For decades, the queer community has attempted to create spaces that are for them alone. The Pink Cube therefore presents Palari: Queer Salons where the queer community can freely speak, think and discuss among like minded people.

Palari offers a space for individuals seeking to explore (visual) art within a queer framework, discover the rich history of queer culture, and engage with the local community. Each salon will center around a unique theme and we will feature diverse guest speakers.

Palari welcomes people of all gender identities and sexualities. Don’t count yourself as part of the community? Then be aware of the space you occupy. Connection, in-depth discussions of our topics and intersectional awareness within the queer community are paramount at these events. We ask ourselves, our guest speakers and our visitors to collectively ensure the safety and openness we want to create.

Palari: Queer salons is supported by Grand Theatre Groningen and het Cultuurfonds.

Season 2024/2025